Start Accepting Digital eSignatures Today
One-time Setup Charge
P 2,850
Incl VAT, Per initiator of the signing workflowPre-paid eSignature Plan (Valid for 1 year)100 eSignatures
Pre-paid eSignature Plan (Valid for 1 year)1,000 eSignatures
How It Works
1. Users can sign up for an account which allows the user to initiate signing process.
2. Initiator can either specify signatories for each file or define workflows for repeated use.
3. Signers receive the link to sign the document in their email. On clicking, the signer can view the document and then sign after entering the valid OTP they receive on their cellphone. Signers do not need to have an account on the system.
4. Signatories can either use cursive signatures or a scan of their signature and complete the signing.
5. System can be configured so that Signatories can use their UID or DSC tokens for signing documents.
6. Once all signatures are affixed the signed document is sealed. The signed and sealed document is emailed to all the signers and a copy is available on the initiator portal as well.
TRUESigner - eSignature
Benefits Of Online Contract Signing Service
Sample (Use Case)
When documents need to be signed by multiple people, TRUESigner eSignature is the ideal solution. Sample documents include contracts, agreements, employment letters, internal document approvals etc.